Ready to feel confident + clear about next steps in your relationship?



Do you consistently question “am I in the right relationship?” 

Does it feel like you go through phases of feeling really good in the relationship, then suddenly anxiety swoops in out of nowhere?

Do you love your partner but also worry they are not ‘The One’?

If so, then you’re probably also sick of:
  • Anxious thoughts creeping in on your date nights (when you “should be” enjoying the moment).
  • Feeling dread and doubt when you first wake up or when your head hits the pillow at night.
  • Talking with friends and hearing them say they "just knew!” their partner was "right" for them.
  • Feeling like your relationship isn't up to par with the #relationshipgoals on Instagram and TikTok.
  • Questioning if you fell out of love because you don’t feel the same butterflies you used to.

You’ve probably tried to make the anxious thoughts and feelings go away...

Yet they seem to follow you everywhere. 

All you want is to be able to actually ENJOY your relationship without all the doubts and questioning.

I know how you feel because I have been there too. 

Hi, I'm Sarah

...and I know firsthand how scary having doubts about your relationship can be.

When I found myself in an amazing relationship yet experiencing debilitating anxiety, I felt scared and confused.

On one hand, I loved my boyfriend so much and felt lucky to be with him. I’d have moments of clarity and be excited about where things were going.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I’d be triggered by something and anxiety spirals would come in. I’d hyper-focus on every detail in my relationship - picking it apart to make sure it was “right.”

My parents had gotten a divorce, and so I thought I needed to pick a perfect partner to avoid that and guarantee a happy relationship.

Little did I know how much anxiety that would cause. So much so, that one day I even told Nate I wasn’t sure I loved him the same way any more.

It was a scary moment. He responded with kindness and empathy... and in that moment I realized something had to change ASAP because I felt helpless and out of control. 

That’s when I began the quest to understand my anxiety.

This happened over 4 years ago, and I haven’t looked back since. I went from wanting to leave my relationship to being engaged and feeling a much deeper love towards Nate than I thought was possible for me.

Today, I am excited and optimistic about our future, something I could only wish for in the thick of my anxious days.

I know how confusing it is to feel anxiety in your relationship…to think “It shouldn’t feel this way, right? Maybe that means I am with the wrong person…”

Once I understood why my anxiety was there, it all made sense.

Please know that you are not alone or crazy for experiencing doubts in your relationship. You have nothing to feel guilty about (even though that may seem hard to believe right now).

Right now, it may feel like you only have two options:

1 - Stay in the relationship and experience debilitating anxiety forever

2 - Leave the relationship because the anxiety is too much to handle

This is the anxiety's classic pattern of black-and-white thinking coming in. Which adds a LOT of pressure for you to "make the right decision."

If neither of those options feel good to you, a third option is possible:

3 - Learn about your relationship anxiety, face it head on, build self-trust in your decision making, and build the confidence to manage your relationship anxiety


In my private coaching experience, I help clients face relationship anxiety head-on.

This isn’t just about managing anxiety symptoms (the tight chest, the lurching stomach). We’re not just trying to put a bandaid on the anxiety and keep it moving.

My promise is to help you better understand what’s really behind this anxiety: fear. 

Anxiety will tell you: 

  • “You probably don’t have relationship anxiety - you’re just in the wrong relationship” 
  • “You shouldn’t have to put in effort for a relationship to work, it should just come naturally”
  • “You’ve already tried to feel better in your relationship but nothing has worked yet…so this won’t either.”

...but what's really happening is you’re scared.

Scared of making the wrong choice, scared of losing yourself in a relationship, scared of the pain and hurt that relationships can bring, scared of failure, scared of uncertainty. 

That is what we work through together in my private coaching experience:

Helping you face your fears so they no longer hold so much power over you and your relationship.

By the end of this mentorship…

✔ You’ll know exactly what to do when anxiety arises instead of feeling so overwhelmed

✔ You'll build trust in your decision-making and that you can handle future moments of anxiety

✔ You'll learn to be kind to yourself along the way instead of constantly trying to "fix" yourself

✔ You'll deepen your appreciation of your partner for who they are instead of only fixating on the things that bother you

✔ You'll know that you are not alone in your experiences with relationship anxiety  because you've just spent months with someone who gets exactly what you're going through (and has guided 100+ other clients...)

Your fears may never fully go away, because fear is part of being human. 

But you have a choice: will you let fear stand in the way?

Private coaching is for you if…

  • You are ready to feel more grounded and confident instead of anxious and cautious 
  • You're craving a set of tools to have on-the-spot if relationship anxiety shows up
  • You want to trust that no matter what happens, you will be able to get through it 
  • You want to be present  instead of analyzing it (and analyzing your partner!)
  • You want to move through ups and downs in your life and relationship without getting thrown off 

Imagine in three months being able to…

  • Face your anxiety, doubts and fears head-on - not feeling helpless when anxiety comes up
  • Feel deep self confidence and self trust in your relationship decisions
  • Understand your relationship with your partner in a whole new way
  • Navigate relationship anxiety with self-compassion instead of judging yourself every step of the way
  • Be at peace with whatever happens in the future even though you can’t predict it
  • Catch yourself looking at your partner with a fresh set of eyes, opening up room for more love and gratitude
This is what we work on together in my private coaching experience.
I’ve been in your shoes and guided myself and 100+ others into feeling content (peacefully happy) in their relationships.
And I'd love to support you, too.
You don’t have to navigate relationship anxiety on your own.

Here's what you receive in my private coaching experience:

Private coaching sessions

I’ll coach you by asking questions that help you trust yourself and your inner wisdom and invite you to question beliefs that I see are not helping you.

You’ll leave our sessions with new tools and reframes to help you show up confidently in your relationship for the upcoming weeks (and beyond).

NOTE: One of the sessions in your package is an intake session to get us set up for success.

Full Access to my Digital Library

The information + tools that helped me go from doubting my relationship to being all-in packaged together.

Lifetime access to Deconstruct the Doubts; 50+ educational videos, a guided implementation workbook to help you build self-trust and self-awareness, and a resource library with the tools and information you need to navigate relationship anxiety confidently.

(+) Access to my (3) webinar recordings: "is it anxiety or incompatibility?" "is it anxiety or intuition?" "is it anxiety or am I settling?"

Voice + text messaging 

Ask me anything outside of session and get real-time relationship anxiety support. You'll receive tangible tools, reframes, and insights to use in your relationship.

This will help you take action in the moment and start practicing what you learn right away so it becomes second-nature.

I have different coaching packages to best suit your needs

My signature package is 4 months of private coaching, however if you want to dip your toe in and start with 2 months...I've got you covered! Check out the different packages below (both have monthly payment plans). 

NOTE: at this time there a 45 to 60-day wait to begin coaching with Sarah. Please submit the form below to join the waitlist, and you'll get more information within 3 business days.

4 month package



  • 8 60-minute private coaching sessions (including the intake session)
  • 16 weeks of voice messaging between sessions 
  • instant + lifetime access to Deconstruct the Doubts and webinar library 
  • save $200

4 month package


paid over 5 months - $3,500

  • 8 60-minute private coaching sessions (including the intake session)
  • 16 weeks of voice messaging between sessions 
  • instant + lifetime access to Deconstruct the Doubts and webinar library 

2 month package


(save $125)

  • 4 60-minute private coaching sessions (including intake call)
  • 8 weeks of voice messaging between sessions 
  • instant + lifetime access to Deconstruct the Doubts and webinar library 
  • save $125

2 month package


paid over 5 months - $2,125

  • 4 60-minute private coaching sessions (including intake call)
  • 8 weeks of voice messaging between sessions 
  • instant + lifetime access to Deconstruct the Doubts and webinar library 

Here's what my clients have to say…


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