#52 - Leaning into Discomfort in Your Relationship w/ Robert James

In this episode, I sit down with Robert James, an OCD & anxiety coach who having spent years struggling with OCD, finally learned to overcome & now helps others to do the same.

We talked all about what it means to “lean into discomfort” in our journey to navigate relationship OCD and relationship anxiety (or general OCD and anxiety). Relationships bring up uncomfortable emotions at times, and if we shy away from them or react to them every time—we will be in for a bumpy ride.

Robert shares more about:

  • what leaning into discomfort looks like
  • how to practice acceptance in your relationship
  • the cycle of OCD and anxiety that often results in compulsive behaviors (and what to do instead)
  • how intentionally being in uncomfortable situations helps to reduce the fear of them
  • his journey with relationship OCD

You can find out more about Robert and his work at his website - https://www.robertjamescoaching.com


This is for you if you are in a relationship that you really want to work out yet your anxiety gets in the way, and you know that having someone who’s been in your shoes to guide and support you as you learn to navigate moments of anxiety would be invaluable.

Additional resources: