#55 - The Gifts of Long Distance Relationships w/Hannah of @healingwithhan__

Long distance relationships can be very challenging, especially if you’re getting pressure from external sources. “When are you going to be living together?” “Are you sure you’re not wasting your time?” “You should only do long distance if you have an end-date in sight”


In this conversation I talk to Hannah Frewin of @healingwithhan__ about the ups and downs of long distance and how she went from being anxious and doubtful about her relationship and partner to feeling fulfilled within herself and then her relationship.


Hannah shares how her own healing journey completely transformed the way she thinks about long distance, and has so much wisdom to share!


For more about Hannah, check out…

Her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healingwithhan__/?hl=en


Her free training: https://healingwithhan.mykajabi.com/opt-in